Hibiscus is a beautiful flowering plant. It belongs to the large mallow family comprising several hundred species. Mainly two types – Tropical and Perennial. It comes in different shades of red, purple, lavender, yellow, orange, gold and white. Though it is not very common to grow hibiscus from seeds in commercial settings, but if someone wants to then
first should know how to collect hibiscus seeds?

Hibiscus Flower
Hibiscus seeds are easy to collect provided you know how to. There are following steps you need to take:
Leave a few healthy flowers on the plants until they drop all their petals and form a seed Pod. (If the flower is pollinated then only it will develop the seed pod). So by this time they will start to look like this:

Seed Pod
Let the seed pods on the plants until they wither and die & let it dry for 7 – 10 days. Just wait till the seed heads turned brown and have almost a papery feel. So by this time they will probably look like this:

Matured Seed Pod
Keep the dried seed-head over a large paper, one at a time, tearing each bloom gently with your fingers. The seeds will fall onto the paper. Hibiscus seeds will look like this:

Hibiscus Seeds
Now keep your seeds in a dry and warm place but out of direct sunlight and hard winds for 2-3 days till they dry up completely.
Store the seeds either in a regular white paper envelope or a plastic zip-lock bag and label it. Store the envelope/ Plastic bag in a cool, dry place until next season.
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How to collect hibiscus seeds, How to save hibiscus seeds, How to harvest hibiscus seeds, hibiscus seeds, how to collect hardy hibiscus seeds, how do you collect seeds from a hibiscus, how to harvest hibiscus seeds, how do i get seeds from my hibiscus, how do you save seeds from a hibiscus, how to harvest and save hibiscus seeds, can you save hibiscus seeds, how to save hardy hibiscus seeds, harvesting hibiscus seed pods, how do you harvest hibiscus seeds, hibiscus seeds how to grow, hibiscus seeds from flower, how to grow hibiscus from seeds, gudhal ka plant kaise lagaye, gudhal ka paudha kaise lagaen