Winter Flower

अंकुरण आवश्यकताएं: सर्दियों के फूलो की – Germination Requirements Of Winter Flower

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बीजो को उगाने के लिए उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले बीज, अच्छी पानी की निकासी वाला और रोग मुक्त मिटटी/ पोटिंग मिक्स, गमले, उचित तापमान, नमी और पर्याप्त रोशनी की आवश्यकता होती है। हर किस्म के बीज के अंकुरण के लिए तापमान और प्रकाश की आवश्यकता अलग अलग होती है। निम्नलिखित चार्ट आमतौर पर उगाए जाने वाले सर्दियों के फूलो के लिए अंकुरण की जानकारी प्रदान करता है। 


Winter Flower

Germination Requirements Of Winter Flower Seeds

इसे हिंदी मे पढ़ें

To grow seedlings you require high quality seed, well-drained & disease-free soil, Containers, proper temperature, enough moisture and enough light. Germination requirements mainly light and temperature vary from seed to seed of different flowers and vegetables. The following chart provides germination information for many of the commonly grown winter flower.


Summer Flower Seeds/ Bulbs List

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10 Mosquito Repellent Plants

Mosquitoes are a great source of discomfort not only for humans, but also for animals. Mosquitoes cause many problems. Not only they suck our blood, but also brings all sorts of diseases and viruses with them, like Zika, Malaria and Chikungunya. To keep mosquitoes away, people use mosquito repellent creams and herbal mosquito lotions. But some people are also allergic to it and they become victims of nose, skin, and throat related problems due to its use. Some people also use chemicals to kill mosquitoes, but it is harmful to health and the environment. If you want to get rid of mosquitoes naturally, then grow mosquito repellent plants in your garden. These Mosquito repellent plants will not only allow you to get rid of mosquitoes but also enhance the beauty of your garden.


5 Plants That Can Help You Sleep Better

A good and a proper sleep keeps you fresh, makes you feel better, but because of today’s hectic & stressful environment, food habits it is getting difficult to get a proper sleep. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, mind, weight and more whereas sleep disorder can have an extremely negative impact on your day-to-day life. Don’t worry, there are a few plants that can help you sleep better. Most importantly, spending time with nature reduces the stress level & lighten your mood.


Three Dangerous Diseases of Roses

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How to Care for Dahlia Plants to produce more Flowers

DAHLIAs are extremely beautiful flowers which blooms annually. These plants have tuberous roots.  There are over 42 species of dahlias which are available in a range of extremely wide variety of forms and colors. Let’s discuss about how to care for Dahlia Plants.
