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Vegetables That Grow In Shade

इसे हिंदी मे पढ़ें As an urban gardener, we find it difficult to maintain our kitchen garden because of inadequate direct sunlight. Most of us are living in high rise buildings, have only a balcony or few other small spaces to grow the plants and most importantly have access to direct sunlight for just a Read more about Vegetables That Grow In Shade[…]

सेलोसिया को बीज से कैसे उगाएं

How to Grow Celosia from Seeds

इसे हिंदी मे पढ़ें

Celosia is an annual and an ornamental plant. It is also known as wool flowers and belongs to the amaranth family. These flowers can have red, pink, purple, gold or bicoloured blooms. It has flame-like flower heads. It blooms throughout the summer season. It is easy to grow from seeds. Let’s discuss how to grow Celosia from seeds?

कॉसमॉस को बीज से कैसे उगाएं

How to Grow Cosmos from Seeds

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Cosmos are flowering annual plants that are very easy to grow. Flowers are a bit like daisy. There is a broad range of color available like orange, yellow, pink, white, red etc, which blooms throughout the summer season. Easy to grow from seeds and can even survive poor soil conditions.  Let’s discuss how to grow Cosmos from seeds?

Morning Glory

How to Grow Morning Glory from Seeds

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Morning Glory, also known as Ipomoea purpurea or Convolvulus purpureus, flowers are one of the best flowers to decorate fences and walls. It belongs to the family of the Convolvulaceae, which has more than 50 genera and 1000 species. It is the fast-growing vining plant with heart-shaped leaves, and trumpet-shaped flowers in different colors like white, red, blue, purple, yellow, pink and magenta. As the name suggests, flowers bloom in the morning time. These plants can easily be grown in pots. Let’s discuss how to grow Morning Glory from seeds?

Desi and hybrid

Difference Between Desi (heirloom) and Hybrid Seeds

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Whenever we go to pick up seeds (mostly vegetable seeds) for our garden, we have two options mainly: Desi/Heirloom and Hybrid. We found ourselves in a dilemma that what type of seed we should go for. Let’s discuss the difference between Desi and Hybrid seeds.

Summer Vegetables

Germination Requirements Of Summer Vegetables

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To grow seedlings you require high quality seed, well-drained & disease-free soil, Containers, proper temperature, enough moisture and enough light. Germination requirements mainly light and temperature vary from seed to seed of different flowers and vegetables. The following chart provides germination information for many of the commonly grown summer vegetables.

Winter Flower

Germination Requirements Of Summer Flower Seeds

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To grow seedlings you require high quality seed, well-drained & disease-free soil, Containers, proper temperature, enough moisture and enough light. Germination requirements mainly light and temperature vary from seed to seed of different flowers and vegetables. The following chart provides germination information for many of the commonly grown summer flower.


Winter Flower

Germination Requirements Of Winter Flower Seeds

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To grow seedlings you require high quality seed, well-drained & disease-free soil, Containers, proper temperature, enough moisture and enough light. Germination requirements mainly light and temperature vary from seed to seed of different flowers and vegetables. The following chart provides germination information for many of the commonly grown winter flower.


बीज अंकुरण

Guide To Successful Seed Germination

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A seed
is a miracle of nature that is waiting for it to happen. Seed contains specific amount of food supply and the vital genetic information needed to become a plant. Seeds exist in a state of dormancy, slowly using up their stored food reserves and at the same time continuously monitors external environment to become ideal for that seed to germinate. Once the ideal conditions occur, the seed breaks dormancy and germinates. As a gardener, our aim is to provide the optimal environment for germination and seedling growth. Let’s discuss the process of successful seed germination.
