बीज अंकुरण

सफल बीज अंकुरण के लिए गाइड – Successful Seed Germination

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बीज प्रकृति का एक ऐसा चमत्कार है जो अपने होने का इंतज़ार कर रहा होता है। बीज में विशिष्ट मात्रा में खाद्य आपूर्ति और पौधे बनने के लिए आवश्यक महत्वपूर्ण आनुवंशिक जानकारी होती है।  बीज सुप्तावस्था मे होते हैं और धीरे-धीरे अपने भंडारित खाद्य भंडार का उपयोग करते हैं और साथ ही साथ अपने अंकुरण के लिए आदर्श वातावरण बनने का इंतज़ार भी करते रहते हैं। एक बार जब आदर्श स्थितियां बन जाती हैं, तो बीज सुप्तावस्था को तोड़ देता है और अंकुरित हो जाता है।  एक गार्डनर के रूप में, हमारा उद्देश्य अंकुरण और अंकुर के विकास के लिए आदर्श वातावरण प्रदान करना है। आइये जाने की कैसे एक सफल बीज अंकुरण पाया जाए।



Sansevieria Braided: How To Grow & Care

इसे हिंदी मे पढ़े Sansevieria Braided plant belongs to Snake Plant family and also known as Cylindrical Snake Plant, African Spear, Spear Sansevieria. Sansevieria Braided, also known as the ‘Snake Plant’, is a low-maintenance houseplant that adds a touch of tropical beauty to any indoor space. With its sleek braided foliage and air-purifying qualities, this Read more about Sansevieria Braided: How To Grow & Care[…]

How To Make Big Newspaper Pots

Pots are essential for gardening and most of the urban gardeners rely heavily on pots. Though there are lots of different kinds of pots & containers available, with their own benefits & disadvantages (to know more, click here), but it is always fun to make your own biodegradable pots using different materials. The newspaper is one such material and easily available too. Many gardeners use newspaper to make small seed starting pots, but it is also possible to make big pots of different sizes from the newspaper. Let’s discuss how to make big newspaper pots?


Natural & Homemade Fertilizers For Bigger Roses

If you love gardening then you must be having at least one rose plant in your garden and also want to see lots of flowers blooming in it. If you are worried that there are not good flowers on your rose plants and tired of using all kinds of fertilizers. Don’t be disappointed, If you try a little, then you can get a good fertilizer from your home itself. Let’s discuss about some natural & homemade fertilizers for rose plants.


Aphids: What Are They, Identify & Symptoms Of Aphid Damage?

Aphids are the most common pests found in your garden. These sap-sucking creepy crawlies are regularly seen bolstering in bunches on new plant growth. They suck the fluids from leaves and flowers that the plant uses to distribute nutrients, which turns the leaves a mottled yellow color and stunts growth. Aphids swarm both gardens and farms, and on the off chance that they happen to influence it inside, they to can turn into an issue on houseplants, as well. Let’s discuss what are aphids, what are the symptoms & how to identify aphid damage?


When And How To Plant?

We all love to plant different plants. But sometimes we have to face such situations that after transplanting the plants, whether we bought those plants from the nursery or started from seeds, many of our plants does not grow well or dies. Then we tend to think that we must have chosen the wrong plant, but in reality we often make some mistakes during planting, because of which it doesn’t accumulate in the new environment or does not get the right nutrients and ultimately dies. Let’s discuss what all precautions should be taken during planting and more importantly when and how to plant?


Keep These Things In Mind When Buying Plants From A Nursery

All of us like to buy plants from the nursery, but sometimes we are very disappointed when the plants purchased by us either die after a few days or do not flourish well.  But there is nothing wrong in saying that we make this happen. We get so attracted towards the fruits or beautiful flowers in those plants that we do not observe them well and make many mistakes while buying them. We can buy the best plants in a nursery by avoiding few common mistakes.  These suggestions should always be remembered when buying plants from a nursery. These tips will help you choose the best plants, which will thrive after buying. […]